Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Stevenlevymath Presents Division

Here's  the script:
tags: math, division, arithmetic, stevenlevymath

Steven Levy Math Presents

What is division?
Wikipedia  and Mathematics Stack Exchange

Division can written as: a/b = c.
a is the dividend.
b is the divisor.
c is the quotient.

Division can be expressed as:
1) Partition division
2) Quotition division

Partition Division

6 / 2 = ?
Divide 6 into 2 groups.
How many are in each group?

(Get the answer! Show 6 tiles. Make 2 equal groups. Count how many there are in a group.)

6/2 = 3

Quotition Division

6/2 = ?

Divide 6 into groups of 2.
How many groups are there?

(Get the answer! Show 6 tiles. Make groups of 2 tiles. Count how many groups.)

6/2 = 3

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