Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Problem Solving

Three Problems with Math:
(1) answering the wrong question (2) Mistakes in computation (3) Learning the wrong  methods

Students have one to two minutes to solve problems. Most math courses have about 15 types of problems.

Here's my advice:
(1) Read "Problem Solving Strategies" by Herr and Johnson.
(2) Thoroughly learn each type of problem and all its variations. Have at least two ways to solve each problem. learn how to estimate the answer.

During the test:
(1) Read each problem at least three times. More if you are an ESL student.
(2) Classify the problem by the types you have learned.
(3) Make a guess.
(4) Make an estimate.
(5) Solve the problem
(6) Does the answer agree with your guess and estimate? If not fix.

Memorizing procedures sometimes called "steps" is a loosing battle. The older we get the harder it is to memorize unrelated facts. Younger students might be able to do it, but High School and Adult learners could have problems with memorizing.

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